How to choose the right Digital Marketing service

Apr 20, 2023 | Web Design and Hosting | 0 comments

 How to choose the right Digital Marketing service


Goals & pain points

The first thing to take into account are what are the pain points of your business.

If the issue is about the website, its conversion rate, its design, our Web design products will be able to answer most of these issues.

If the issue is about traffic acquisition, the discussion starts to be a bit more complex.

Demand generation vs Demand capture

Now we need to think about the situation of your business in front of your target market.

The first question to ask is “is there already an existing demand for the product or service being sold”?. If there is, we need to capture that demand. If there is none, we need to generate it.

Search engine optimization and marketing is the ideal demand capture strategy. It entails that users are already actively looking for a solution to a problem or an answer to a need. It means there is a conscious paint point and a conscious need or want.

In this case, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will be the best route long term strategy to create a long lasting business. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) will be a perfect complementary product to accelerate and sculpt the Search Engine visibility of your brand. Indeed, SEO takes between 3 to 6 months to bring definitive results, while SEM will bring results in a matter of weeks or even days.

If you need to generate demand, it suggests that awareness is low for your product. Then Social Media ads and Youtube ads will be the best path forward.

Budget & timeline

Finally, the last element is budget. What is your long term budget and how are you willing to balance between SEO and other strategies. None of them comes cheap if you’re going to do it correctly to benefit your business. Anything less is simply ignoring the fact that your competitors are getting what could have been your leads because they properly invested in what you also need to do to win. Just 2-3 more client wins as a result of that investment would pay for the needed investment. Let us help you WIN!! We do have the winning strategies and services to WIN.


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